
I love this time of year. The sun seems just a little brighter, the air smells fresh like Spring and the morning is beginning to be filled with the sounds of birds. Note to self: get the bird feeders out and filled in the next week or so. I'm kind of a geek. I love my bird feeders and love sitting in my living room and watching the birds at the feeder. A few summers ago I was EXCITEDLY talking to my dad about the bird feeder holder Tyler made me for Mother's Day and how excited I was to watch the birds outside my window. I said that I realized it kind of seemed like an old lady hobby and he said, "Well at least you don't have a bird identification book sitting by the window that you reference." I grinned and replied, "Actually, I do." I'll say it here and now. I love birds. I love bird watching. And I am fascinated with knowing about the birds I see. What can I say.

As Minnesotans, we have all been hibernating for months and it seems that these flickers of Spring are so hopeful. I love winter but I always get to a point around this time of year where I'm ready for change. I've had enough snow, I've had enough cold. I am ready for blossoms on my crab apple tree, this sale, tending my gardens, green grass, the sound of kids playing in the neighborhood, the neighbor's cat Booger meowing "thank yous" to me as he gets high on the cat nip that is creeping back out of the ground in my garden, visiting outside with neighbors, bonfires, Saturday night parties at the neighbors, flip flops... need I go on. I am, however, bracing myself because I know that March weather in Minnesota can play with a person's emotions- beautiful and sunny one day and the next could be a blizzard. But I press on with every inch of snow that melts off of my lawn and hope that Spring is close by.

So here's to Spring. May it come quickly and refresh us all!

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